5 Air Purifying Houseplants That You CAN'T Kill

Houseplants are muy important for purifying the air in your home, which as most of us are now aware is more toxic than the air outdoors. Have no clue what I'm referring to? Dr. Axe will tell you all about it. One of the easiest ways we can improve air quality in our homes is by having plants around! But I understand your struggle is real. My name is Brit. My heart is green, but my thumb is black.

But, there was hope for me as there is for you. In addition to a bajillion houseplants, I have a 4-in-1 Germguardian Air Filter that runs in our bedroom 24/7, which has helped greatly with face puffiness, sinus congestion, and keeping us healthy. It has HEPA, charcoal, UV light filters and removes mold, pet dander, allergens, odors dust and germs. It only has one filter to change and it takes 2 seconds. Highly recommend! It looks filthy after two months -GAG!

The above picture is my parent's backyard. They once got me a cactus for a housewarming present in 2007. It was dead within a week. I always took this as a sign I probably shouldn't procreate. So, just in case you thought I might know what I'm doing, you are wrong. 

When I tell you that there are indoor plants that you can keep alive it's true. And you're gonna believe it. And you're gonna have some houseplants by the end of this blog. When I started focusing on reducing toxins in my environment, I got very interested in indoor plants.

Scientific sidetone: In the 1980s, NASA did a widely publicized study on which plants were best for air purification to use in space stations. They were interested in the plant's ability to not only produce oxygen from CO2, but to remove three common indoor pollutants: VOCs benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene. Well, you'll be happy to know that two of the best ones were English Ivy and Pothos - both of which are on this list of super easy to grow indoor plants! 

NOTE ON PLANT TRIMMINGS: when you trim length off Pothos or Ivy, you can easily make new plants by putting them in a dark jar with water and they’ll grow roots!

english ivy

english ivy

English Ivy

These take low, indirect light and water to keep soil moist, but not waterlogged. Extremely low maintenance and amazing for air purification — eliminates: benzene, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, molds and contaminants from animals!

Maintenance: You can let this grow around your walls, or trim as needed. Keep away from animals. Doesn’t require much water, maybe once a week or when feels dry.




These come in all different varieties and colors. Also one of the #1 air-purifying plants in the world. Of all the plants, I would say this is the EASIEST to grow, hands down. As you can see above, I have this in my bedroom where I have blackout blinds covering the windows almost all the time. Once in a while, I'm like, "Oh, maybe that wants some light?"

Maintenance: I water maybe once every 1-1 1/2 weeks. And you can easily see when it needs water, the leaves will get a bit yellow or wilty. Water, and it perks right back!  The vines will drape down and just clip them to the length you like and keep away from animals!

ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia):

If you kill this, you’ve really got problems. It also gets huge and will likely outlive you. It even likes LOW LIGHT, so you don't need to bother placing it anywhere special. It can deal with all sorts of conditions, pests, whatever.

Maintenance: I hardly water this thing at all and it just keeps growing like a weed. Would be fine waiting 1 1/2 weeks then give it a good soak. Low and indirect light are just fine.

Mother In Law’s Tongue:

When I went for my stay at Mayo Clinic, I was in awe of how many of these plants were around the hospital. It’s for good reason because they are one of the BEST for air purification.

Maintenance: These take cactus soil. DO NOT FERTILIZE, it will kill it. Other than that — you really only water a few times a month when dry. Just set them in an area where they can get some light (don’t need full sun) and you will be surprised how quickly it takes off!


This is known as the longest blooming plant and truly, it is. This one has never been without blooms actually. It is beautiful and perfect for a blooming houseplant that doesn’t need a ton of light.

Maintenance: This doesn’t like to fully dry out — so when it gets dry 1 inch down, be sure to water. Takes regular soil and be sure to keep transplanting to large enough pot since they grow fast!

May your air be clean and the odds ever be in your favor!

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