Four Easy Ways To Detox Your Life And Reduce Toxins

So I'm cutting right to the chase here, which is interesting because I've never chased anything in my life. I'm winded just thinking about it.

I get the overwhelming task of figuring out HOW to start cleaning up your life. We all know diet is a big part of that, but there are TONS of ways we are inundated with toxins on a daily basis. I'm going to help you get started by prioritizing a few areas that will make a HUGE impact on your overall toxic burden.

1. Eliminate products with synthetic "fragrance" or "parfum." Trust me, this pains me as much as you. For starters, 95% of the chemicals in synthetic fragrance are derived from petrochemicals. If you're unsure how bad those are, please check out the details here in this article. The FDA doesn't regulate the chemicals in fragrance, therefore, a product containing fragrance could contain any combination of up to 3,100 chemicals. For further reading on the damage that this can cause to various body systems please read this Dr. Mercola article.

Unfortunately, when you start doing some label reading, you'll soon find out that almost every body, hygiene, and hair product has fragrance. Laundry detergent. Hand soap.

  • Start with the easy stuff like cologne, perfume, and lotions. With the skin being the largest organ, it is a pretty big deal what we put on it. It’s absorbed almost immediately into the bloodstream. Not only is fragrance dangerous when absorbed through skin, but also when breathed in. The liver has to detox all of it.

There are some great alternatives to check out for natural fragrance: Pacifica natural perfumes, Inkling, LaVanilla, Good Chemistry, or Prim Botanicals.

2. Get a HEPA air filter and vacuum. It's a known fact that the air inside your home is by far the most contaminated of anywhere you go. The only instance where this might not be the case is if you work in a coal mine. So why HEPA? Because in order to gain this classification, the filter needs to be able to remove over 99.97 % of the airborne contaminants in a size of as tiny as 0.3 microns. That's alot, mmk?

These filters can remove pollutants including: dust, pollen, tobacco smoke, mold spores, pet dander, bacterium, viruses and others. By removing the pollutants and allergens, the purifiers will protect you from breathing disease and contagious disease like allergy, asthma, flu, etc. After alot of research, I purchased this air filter (which has UV, HEPA, + charcoal) for our bedroom and keep it running day and night—since you want that air to be super pure. There’s also a bigger size for larger rooms.

Other ways to help your air quality:

  • Indoor plants. And if you think you can't possibly keep them alive, I feel you. There are tons of varieties that you can't possibly kill and I blogged about them all here.

  • Ditch air fresheners and candles - opt for essential oil diffusers instead

  • Stop using hairsprays and other things that are extremely toxic and get into your air.

3. Buy organic where it counts most: animal products and dirty dozen items. Every year the USDA tests produce samples for concentration of pesticides. Based on that data, the dirty dozen are the 12 most contaminated produce items as classified by the Environmental Working Group - you can check out the current list here. These are items that should be bought organic to reduce the amount of toxins and chemicals the liver has to filter. These pesticides are neurotoxins, xeno-estrogens, obesogens, and have many harmful affects on the body, weight, and energy. Not to mention that accumulation of toxins over time leads to disease and much more dangerous problems.

Organic produce and other ingredients are grown without the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, genetically modified organisms, or ionizing radiation.

Animal products and by-products including dairy, broths, eggs, etc. are extremely important to buy organic. The animals are fed a non-gmo diet and not given growth hormones, antibiotics, or other harmful things.

4. Ditch your toxic lip products. Although the jury is still out on how many POUNDS of lipstick women eat throughout their lives, does it really matter? We eat it. And that's disturbing, MMK? Especially considering there's lead in a lot of brands. If you can't afford to switch over all of your cosmetics to natural, at LEAST deal with your lip products.

Small change, big impact. For starters, get some natural lip balms. I have lots of clean lip products on my favorites page.

So get on that and don't be toxic. Your liver will thank you.

Wondering who's the mysterious wordy genius behind these posts? Follow this little rabbit trail to read more About Me! The use of the term genius is open to interpretation. Like just about everything else on this site.